Manage Your Business With Atlantix Software

Affordable, Reliable and Modern Business Solution Provider

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What we do for you?

Atlantix Software is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service.
We work closely with our clients to ensure that they are satisfied with every aspect
of the development process, from the initial design phase to ongoing support and maintenance. We pride ourselves on delivering software that is both functional and
user-friendly, and we are committed to ensuring that our clients' software projects are successful.

  • offer a wide range of services, from software design and development to
    testing, maintenance, and support.
  • mockups and wireframes to visualize the software's user interface and functionality.
  • variety of programming languages and frameworks to develop software that is fast, reliable, and scalable.
  • We also offer ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that our clients' software stays up-to-date and runs smoothly.
View Our Services



Hours of Support

Hard Workers


At Atlantix Software, our primary focus is to design, develop and deliver high-quality software products for our clients. Our services include a broad range of activities such as software design, development, testing, maintenance, and support.

UI/UX Design

our goal is to create interfaces that are not only functional but also visually appealing, engaging, and enjoyable to use. We are committed to helping our clients create software that provides a great user experience and drives business success.

Software Development

We understand that every business is unique, and that's why we work closely with our clients to develop customized software solutions that meet their specific needs. We take pride in our ability to deliver projects on time and within budget while maintaining the highest standards of quality.

Website / Domain

we are committed to delivering websites that are responsive, mobile-friendly, and accessible to all users. We use industry-leading development tools and frameworks to ensure that our websites are fast, secure, and optimized for search engines.

ERP System

We Provide Readily Available wide range of ERP, Inventory and E-Commerce Business Management Softwares and Services

Digital Marketing

We believe that effective marketing and SEO strategies require a data-driven approach. That's why we use the latest analytics tools to track and measure the performance of our clients' websites and marketing campaigns. This data helps us optimize our strategies and improve our clients' ROI over time.

24x7 Customer Support

Our customer support team is available 24/7 to help clients with any questions, concerns, or issues they may have. We understand that technology can be complex and that issues can arise at any time, which is why we are always available to provide timely and efficient support.


We are committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet the unique needs of its clients, while also providing exceptional customer service and support, Here are some of our key exceptional features and services that might interest you in hiring us for your next project.


We work collaboratively with clients to understand their unique needs and objectives, and develop customized solutions that are highly scalable and flexible that meet those needs within the client's budget and timeframe.


Our systems are extremely productive and powerful, we build each and every software using the latest and modern technologies that are fast, reliable and secure.


Delivering the app on time is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and reliability. We establish clear timelines and keep customers informed of project progress. This helps to ensure that the app is delivered on time and within budget


Providing clear and transparent communication to customers about the status of their queries and the progress of their issues helps to build trust and maintain a positive relationship, We are committed to continous improvement in excellent customer support, collecting feedback from customers and taking timely actions.


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Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Sara Wilsson


Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore.

Matt Brandon


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa.

John Larson



At Atlantix Software, we specialize in delivering high-quality software development services to clients across a range of industries. With over 4 years of experience, we have built a reputation for our expertise in Business Management Solution. Our team of experienced developers and designers is committed to delivering projects on time and on budget, while providing exceptional customer service. Check out our portfolio to see examples of our work, and contact us to learn how we can help you achieve your software development goals.

  • All
  • Web
  • Apps
  • Designs

Atlantix Inventory Management System

Atlantix Business Management System

Atlantix Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

Atlantix EStore

Atlantix GMS

Flowcharts / Sitemaps

Brochure Designs / Logo Designs

UI UX Wireframing / Prototyping


Our pricing is designed to be simple and transparent, so you know exactly what you're paying for, Here is the list of pricing for our services. please contact us for more info.


Ultimate Business Package

Price on request

Our Ultimate Plan is designed for larger businesses that require more storage and advanced functionality. It includes all the features of the Premium Plan, plus phone support, and a dedicated account manager.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Non consectetur a erat nam at lectus urna duis?

    Feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat. Tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida. Venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non.

  • Dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant morbi. Id interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices. Fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium. Est pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim. Mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt dui.

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  • Molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in. Nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan. Sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in.

  • Laoreet sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit amet justo. Mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel. Tincidunt eget nullam non nisi est sit amet. Turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed. Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque.


Have a question, feedback, or just want to get in touch? Feel free to contact us using the details provided below.

Our Address

823 Yale Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109, USA

Email Us